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English Version

Domestic Violence: A Hidden Problem at the Family

By canadakhabar

March 23, 2019

The purpose of this article is to educate people about domestic violence.

The word domestic means relating to home or family. Domestic violence is violence or other forms of abuse by one person against another person in a domestic setting. It can occur in many ways and forms whichaffects people of any age group, ethnicity, race, social status, and exits every corner of the world. ccen

Domestic violence occurs in different forms, all ofwhich have consequences.

  1. Physicalviolence/abuse: This is physically aggressive behavior, torture or hurtful behavior or threats. This includes hitting, kicking, touching, pulling, punching, pinching, burning, threatening to injure, destructing of property, and not providing treatment during sickness.

If you,someone in your family or network is experiencing these types of abuses, there is help available.

Remember to:

To sum up, domestic violence is a serious problem exists every corner of the globe. It is important to recognize its effects and understand that help is available.