Friday, March 28, 2025 -
  • Swami Anand Arun, Osho Tapoban and Canada

    • Canadakhabar Desk

    Nagarjuna Hills and Raniban is the one of the most famous public spot to every Nepalese. There might be no Nepalese who have not heard about the beautiful Osho Tapoban , flourishing in the lap of this Nagarjuna forest above Balaju.

    Living on 27th years of its establishment, Osho Tapoban has already given new life dimension to more than 200,000 local, national and international seekers. Osho Tapoban has been successful to establish itself as one of the most haunted international hub attracting more than 2000 seekers from 70 different countries of the world every year for practicing meditation, Yoga, performing Ayurvedic Detoxification in its Arogya Spa and to do Silence Retreat.swaami arun (3)

    Boddhi sattwa Swami Anand Arun, the pioneer of Osho Movement in Nepal, is the founder and coordinator of this cherished destination.
    Born in Janakpur on 1946 June 16, Arun Kumar Singh is a successful high ranking engineer in Nepal and founder of Nepal’s one of the oldest engineering firm BUIlDING DESIGN AUTHORITY at the heart of Kamalpokhari.
    After taking initiation from enlightened master OSHO RAJNEESH in 1972, Arun Kumar Singh became Boddhisattwa Swami Anand Arun. His master OSHO said that “Boddhisattwa are the title given to those who have infinite compassion in their hearts so they remain active to help the humanity”.

    His name and title seems to be matching by seeing Swami Anand Arun’s movement in local and global level at present. His huge Creation, the incredible Osho Tapoban which has shown path of happiness, joy and bliss to thousands  has now developed more than 12 branches like itself and 95 small centers allover Nepal. Swami Anand Arun’s concern and love for Nepal is poured down on his involvement on various social and national events. He is representing Nepal in several international meetings and platforms. Today, on 21st June, he has been invited with honor by Indian government to represent Nepal on the grand INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY EVENT IN Delhi and Chandigarh, India.
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    The most desired Chief Guest in many of the social and national events all over Nepal, Swami Arun lives in heart of thousands of people. He welcomes all without any discrimination into his Tapoban and into his heart. His satsangs and talks are mesmerizing to every listener, piercing down to the truth of every being and leaving a permanent imprint in their hearts.

    He travels more than 7 months a year to 20 different countries and conducts talks, satsangs, meditation camps which are cherished by every participant and after meeting him in their countries, they can’t help themselves not to visit Nepal to reach the abode of their beautiful guide. So every year, hundreds of lovers come pulled by their love with swami anand arun and stay in Osho Tapoban. For them, Osho Tapoban is their spiritual home.swaami arun (2)

    Though 73 years of age,his life is more active than a 25 years adult. Working for more than 16-18 hrs a day, Swami Arun has multiple tasks to deal with ranging from international to national communities to day to day ashram chores. He is most cherished writer and orator. Apart from his busiest life schedule, he writes articles regularly which are published  in various newspapers. His 4 books are published in Nepali and English Language. Santadarshan , Santagatha and Anteryatra had won thousands of readers with 4th edition in 3 years while LONE SEEKERS MANY MASTERS is international seller and translated into other languages too.
    Swami Anand Arun has earned love and respect nationally and globally. His contribution to Nepal and Nepalese society is remarkable. He has now become an icon whom every Nepalese can be proud of.


    It’s great news that Swami Arun is coming to Toronto and Vancouver of Canada in July 2016. Nepalese communities are participating in satsang and talk program with him in Ram Mandir, Mississauga on 20th July from 6pm to 9pm for FREE and people can also join the Residential Meditation Retreat with him for 3 days on most beautiful natural venue near Couburg beach.  Anyone can participate in the program, beginners, seekers and sanyasins all can participate in this retreat. Now booking for the retreat is going on with discount till June 30th. You may contact 6474052768 or email to join the retreat.

    Satsang and Talk program with Swami Anand Arun would be full of inspiring insights into life and the Residential Meditation Retreat would be a transforming experience rendering new vision and understanding lasting for lifetime.
    Since Yoga and Meditation is becoming a global necessity in the present world, it’s wonderful opportunity to join this transforming experience.13305131_10153645244468201_7538895559400933538_o