Friday, March 28, 2025 -
  • Life Story

    एनआरएनए युरोपको उप-संयोजकमा कृष्ण तिमल्सिनाको उम्मेद्बारी : प्रभावकारी काम गरेर देखाउने प्रतिबद्दता ।

    गोकर्ण लामिछाने – टोरोन्टो, क्यानाडा । गैर आवासीय नेपाली संघ अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय समन्वय परिषदको निर्वाचन नजिकिँदै गर्दा यतिबेला विश्वका प्राय मुलुकहरुमा राष्ट्रिय समन्वय परिषदका निर्वाचनहरु...

    + पुरा पढ्नुहोस्

    ‘नमुना काम गरेर देखाउछु’ – प्रमिला बस्नेत (एनआरएनए आइसीसी महिला संयोजक उम्मेद्वार)

    क्यानडाखबर डेस्क – टोरोन्टो,क्यानाडा । लामो समय देखी एआरएनए अभियानमा समय खर्चिदै आएकी महिला अभियान्ता प्रमिला बस्नेतले गैर आवासिय नेपाली संघको नवौं अधिबेशनमा आईसिसी ‘महिला संयोजक’...

    + पुरा पढ्नुहोस्

    मिसीसागामा बिजय पौडेल र तुला भट्टचन बिजयी ( लाइब अपडेट )

    क्यानाडाखबर संबाददाता – टोरोन्टो क्यानाडा । गैर आवासिय नेपाली संघ क्यानाडा मिसिसागा क्षेत्रको निर्वाचन प्रकृया सकिएको छ । निर्वाचनबाट बिजय पौडेल र तुला भट्टचन बिजयी भएका छन् । दुई सदस्य...

    + पुरा पढ्नुहोस्

    Justin Bieber Just Bought A Huge Mansion In Canada, Here Are All The Details

    Justin Bieber is moving back home! The Canadian star just bought a new mansion in Ontario and it’s massive. READ ALSO: Post Malone And Justin Bieber Are Taking Their Bromance To The Next Level With Wedding Plans TMZ reported that the singer just dropped $5 million on a stunning house that sits on over 100 acres of property in Wellington County, Ontario. Bieber bought the home from luxury home realtor Cliff Rego, who has been spotted with the star before. The home is located on Puslinch Lake,...

    + पुरा पढ्नुहोस्

    stories of Nepal

                         PHURPU DOLMO GHALE GATLANG 5, RASUWA “I am going to be a mother soon. This is my fourth child and I am waiting for it to see this beautiful world. I hope the world will be kind to my baby is getting what he/she desires in life. My world was not so good to me. When I was 10, it took away from me my mother. The villagers tell me it was tuberculosis. And because there were no buses to take her to Trisuli she did not get medicines and proper treatment. I remember father...

    + पुरा पढ्नुहोस्

    Priyanka Chopra wins 2nd People’s Choice Award 2017 for ‘Quantico’

    Jan 19, 2017- Indian actress Priyanka Chopra has won her second People’s Choice Award in the category of “Favourite Dramatic TV Actress” for the American drama TV series “Quantico”. Priyanka had bagged her first People’s Choice Award in 2016 in the “Favourite Actress in a New TV series” category for her role in “Quantico” as FBI agent Alex Parish.

    Queen Elizabeth II ‘nearly shot’ by palace guardsman

    5 Jan, London: Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II had a narrow escape during a late night walk in her palace gardens when one of her guardsmen “nearly shot” her thinking it was an intruder, a media report claimed today. The 90-year-old monarch was known for her fondness of long walks in the garden in the past and often when she struggled to sleep she decided to take a stroll. However, on one occasion, a former guardsman revealed how he was caught unawares at 3 am at Buckingham Palace in London. “Bloody...

    + पुरा पढ्नुहोस्

    मृत्यु टरेको त्यो दिन !

    मनास्लुमा मृत्युलार्इ जितेको दिन: सेप्टेम्बर २३ सञ्जय पण्डित लामो दुरीको दौडमा धेरै रेकर्ड राखेको नाम हो । २४९५ किलोमिटर दौडिन सफल पण्डितले सगरमाथा लगायत अन्य बिश्वचर्चित हिमालको आरोहण गरेर...

    + पुरा पढ्नुहोस्

    उड्दै–उड्दै आएका एक ‘हुलाकी’

    गोकर्ण लामिछाने । क्यानडामा बसिरहेका नेपालीबीच रामकाजी मोक्तान नौलो नाम होइन । क्यानडामा बसिरहेका नेपालीले निर्माण गरेका विभिन्न संघसंस्थामा रामकाजी पनि छन्, तिनका हरेक गतिविधिमा उनी छुट्दैनन्...

    + पुरा पढ्नुहोस्